Before we went to work with this client, half of its ready-mix concrete orders were canceled on the day they were scheduled to be delivered. (To deal with the unreliability of the suppliers, customers had developed a practice of placing orders with two companies. As the time of delivery neared, they would cancel the one they thought would be later.) We designed, and then built, trained, and guided an internal team as they developed a world-famous process: the company delivers concrete within 20 minutes of the time promised, originally in Mexico City and Guadalajara, and later, around the world. The results of this work have been written up in the Wall Street Journal, Wired Magazine, and numerous books. Anderson Consulting and Ernst & Young have called the process the best of its type in the world. For the same company, Chauncey designed and managed the implementation of a distinctive portfolio-based “Investment Management” process that integrated strategic planning, capital budgeting, capital expenditures, capital project management, and the company’s investments around the world. Cemex has grown since to be the sixth largest cement company in the world (3 of the top 5 are Chinese).