Ebby Benelyahu (CEO, Human Coach)
& Saqib Rasool (CEO, Conceivian)
Urgent: Business People, Innovators, and Entrepreneurs:
Our worlds are exploding. Old stabilities that once held sway no longer hold. We are living in a time of accelerated change—the age of uncertainty is here. The future is not what we once imagined.
The methods that we have learned for creating value are no longer sufficient. Machinery, practices, and education that once looked solid and grounded are no longer reliable. Decades of carefully developed sensibilities are failing us.
As we enter the 21st century, we find our world in a state of deep turbulence and anxiety. As Americans, we live in the most powerful country in the world, with a mere 5% of the world population controlling over 80% of assets. We have never been more financially successful and, at the same time, more vulnerable. Dynamically shifting concerns such as physical security, family structures, personal freedom, happiness with work, and desire for health and well-being are re-shaping important industries such as Real Estate, Import/Export, Banking, Manufacturing, and Finance.
We live in an emerging age of dynamic service networks; nothing we have studied in our universities and schools has prepared us to deal with what is happening. Information technologies have disrupted our lives and our notion of building trust with one another in important ways. These emerging communication and information channels have made obsolete what we had previously learned about building trust in business.
Today, a significant number of commercial and business projects fail to yield satisfying results for their investors and owners without recourse or proper diagnosis. Often people do not know why they are failing or what to do about it. This high failure rate is due to the blindness of these dynamic shifts, and the inability to cope with change and mistrust found commonly in the industry. The impact of these blindnesses could be easily measured in terms of financial, emotional, familial, and other sufferings.
For the ones that are paying attention, these growing instabilities are opening tremendous new opportunities. Winners and losers in this era are not going to be the ones with most money or pedigrees but will be the ones who are learning the skills and sensibilities to navigate effectively in this new age of networks. Capacities for reading the world, identifying serious breakdowns and opportunities, and mobilizing for taking advantage of these opportunities, are going to be far more critical than the ones taught in our traditional educational institutes.
The question is, how are you going to dance in a world that is shifting in fundamental ways? And, how can you prepare yourself to take advantage of these opportunities, while not getting run over by the change?
As you may know, for the past few decades years, we have been studying with a group of serious people that have been investigating these concerns and have been developing new education delivered via coaching to help people gain power in this era. Classically, these educations have been reserved for major corporations with enormous financial commitments (IBM, Microsoft, Intel, Boeing, and others).
Many of you have asked for a forum where individual entrepreneurs can have access to such education, and bring their business concerns and cases, connect with local and global mobilizers, and engage with a serious community of actors to practice and master these new skills and sensibilities.
In response, we have decided to join forces and offer an on-going program for people to learn and practice these new skills of power, discuss business opportunities, support each other in getting the right deals, and seeing them to fruition.
If you are concerned with building power in your business, have difficulty with running your operations effectively, closing sales and deals, cultivating new relationships, discovering new opportunities, growing revenues, identifying sources of wastes and breakdowns, and inventing new maps of power, this program is for you.
We are confident that a new network of serious business players will emerge from this work. We promise unprecedented shifts in your business and leadership skill levels resulting in financial, social, and intellectual power.
In this workshop, we will discuss the topics of waste and value, coordination, conversations for action, language action theory, moods, and trust, to prepare you for success in your business. You will have the opportunity to bring us your real-life business cases and breakdowns. We will also give you short reading, viewing, and writing assignments to further deepen your insights.
We will meet by Zoom every Tuesday from 4-5:30 pm Pacific Time, starting on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, at 4 pm. Seating is limited.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any of us. We are very excited about this and looking forward to having you join us on this adventure.
Your Hosts,
Ebby & Saqib