License Agreement
(Please read, scroll to the bottom, and sign the agreement)
Chauncey and Shirah Bell, Inc. (a.k.a. “Mobilize.Nework”, “us”, “licensor”) hereby grants you (the “licensee”) a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-assignable license to use the materials (displays, presentation slides, books, and other texts) shared during our courses and workshops for the purpose of personal development and opening new mutually collaborative business opportunities, including but not limited to use of the materials in the course of designing and delivering client engagements, delivering public workshops, speaking engagements whether public or private, in books or articles, or communicating on the internet whether in blogs or other posts of any sort, for perpetuity.
The license holder is authorized to share these materials with those persons immediately involved with the license holder in the process of direct personal delivery of services to his or her clients.
The Licensee is not authorized to sub-license these materials, nor to assign these materials to other members of their organization, nor to any parent, subsidiary, surviving, or other related organization, nor to other people as part of other circumstances including for example the sale or merger of an organization, or the demise of the license holder.
The Licensee may provide copies, under this license, to those clients with whom he or she has personally interacted as part of their training and preparation for their work with the licensee.
The Licensee commits to instruct such client personnel that those clients are not permitted, under this license, to distribute these materials further within their organizations without express written permission from us.
Attribution & Collaboration Requested
We are sharing and licensing these materials to you in the spirit of trust and openness with the aim to helping you develop your capacities of navigating in live engagements with your colleagues and clients, and for opening possibilities of mutual collaborations.
The Licensee is authorized to produce versions of these materials with the licensee’s personal or corporate branding for the purposes specified for the license, providing that the Licensee includes attribution to the licensor and its principles (Mobilize.Nework, Chauncey Bell, and his colleagues) in those versions, and providing that the licensee delivers to the licensor copies of those branded, attributed materials on or before the date of their use in work with clients.
If the Licensee would like to use these materials in any other way or for other purposes, contact us with your request. If the licensee wishes to change, modify, expand, or otherwise alter these materials, the licensee agrees to obtain permission from us to make those changes before the altered materials are used in his or her business.
The Licensee indemnifies and holds harmless the licensor against all claims, liability, damages, costs and expenses stemming from a breach of this agreement, the use of the materials, the licensee’s possible failure to abide by any restriction regarding the use of the materials, or any claim by a third party related to the use of the materials.
The materials are provided "as is" with no warranty regarding the suitability of the materials for any purpose. The licensor is not liable to the licensee or any person or entity for damages, costs or losses stemming from any usage of these materials.
The Licensor retains all copyright and moral rights attached to these materials as well as any other rights that may not be detailed in this agreement.
The Licensee understands and agrees that their clients, if or when using any of these materials, are using them under the licensee’s license, and violations of this license will be considered the licensee’s personal violation of this license. The Licensee understands that violations of the provisions of this license could result in substantial damage to the licensor.
Media Release
We request your assistance in promoting the concepts and practices presented in our courses and workshops to others by allowing us to share your image if we happen to capture it during the recording of our workshop.
By signing this agreement, you grant us permission to the rights of your image, likeness and sound of your voice as recorded on audio or video tape without payment or any other consideration. You understand that your image may be edited, copied, exhibited, published or distributed, and waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein your likeness appears. Additionally, you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of your image or recording. You also understand that this material may be used in diverse educational and business settings, including but not limited to conference presentations, educational presentations or courses, informational presentations, on-line educational courses, educational videos within an unrestricted geographic area.
By signing this release you understand this permission signifies that photographic or video recordings may be electronically displayed via the Internet or in the public educational setting. There is no time limit on the validity of this release nor is there any geographic limitation on where these materials may be distributed. By signing this form you acknowledge that you have completely read and fully understand the above release and agree to be bound thereby. You hereby release any and all claims against any person or organization utilizing this material for educational purposes.
The system auto-captures and records the date and time of your signature.