Join the Mobilize Network in an extended Masterclass on The Visible and Invisible in our Futures.
Nine months ago we began this adventure. From what we have learned, we now shift our attention from constructing practices to building relationships for navigating the world that is coming. A new world is coming much faster than most are expecting. No one has a clear vision of the emerging future. We get hints, and we are surrounded by anomalies.
Old traditions are crumbling, along with the legitimacy of our institutions. Many things call for our attention. How are we to present ourselves in the world? How shall we listen to and build relationships with other human beings? Our challenge: living together, working together, coordinating, and creating with each other.
We invent our practices and our worlds in conversations, as we speak and listen to ourselves and each other. In those conversations, we operate with the interpretation that we can see everything important to us as visible features of our environments. We are oblivious to the fact that we see what we see only as a consequence of the narratives and maps that we have inherited and generated in our conversations with each other. Without those narratives and maps, the most vital aspects of the apparently real and visible features of our worlds are fully invisible.
In this Masterclass, we will continuously explore the ‘Invisibles’ that shape, animate, catch, and hide things from us as we are making our way in our worlds. Our listening, concerns, moods, waste, and what we value (along with who we are being and what we stand for) are but a few examples of critically important phenomena that cannot be simply observed by our senses.
The Monthly Rhythm
We conduct the Masterclass in live sessions on Zoom from 9 am -11 am Pacific Time on the first and third Wednesdays of each month, led by Chauncey Bell and special guest leaders. Small groups organized by the members themselves are held in the second week of each month. The program follows this regular pattern. New members can join the class at any moment. Regular work sessions are supplemented in a curated Slack community.
First week of the month
Master Class, 9 am - 11 am PST
Second week of the month:
Meet with your small group
Third week of the month:
Master Class, 9 am - 11 am PST
Fourth week of the month:
No scheduled class