Our History
Chauncey began this part of his career more than 40 years ago, designing and implementing operating models and systems for better orchestration of work in enterprises. More than 30 years ago, Chauncey met Fernando Flores, whose work had been inspired by Martin Heidegger, Stafford Beer, John L. Austin, John Searle, Humberto Maturana, Francisco Varela, and others. The two became friends and began a long collaboration that has included starting and running Action Technologies, Inc., Business Design Associates, Inc., Hermenet, Inc., and LogoNet, Inc. Notable collaborators of theirs have included Terry Winograd, Juan Ludlow, Hubert Dreyfus, James Gosling, and Peter Denning. The practices and technologies invented in those companies would be used in growing clients' businesses, sometimes to multinational giants, and some of what they invented has found its way into the fundamentals of modern management sciences and practices.
Saqib began his career 20 years ago at Microsoft and later launched several of his own entrepreneurial ventures. He had been searching for ways to conceptualize and build communication protocols and applications to improve business conditions, in the US and Asia. In 2006 Saqib met Chauncey. The Harvester Initiative began as an ongoing collaboration between Chauncey and Saqib, to inquire into the challenges businesses face in the 21st century, and explore new possibilities available for the application of Chauncey's past work, in emerging enterprises.
We established Harvester Academy in 2015 to introduce to the business world new skills, sensibilities, and technologies that enable people and enterprises to create powerful new futures. In 2021, Andy McBride, Michele Gazolo, Laurie Stacy-Dent, and Susie Cantor joined the team. We changed our name and established The Mobilize Network.