“LEARNING” September 2021

Week 1

Read Peter Yaholkovsky’s paper:

Read A Note From Chauncey

A serious request to all: As we are not meeting next week, over the next week, please do your best to meet with your team and/or talk to your team about this: The heart of our work is greatly amplifying your capacity to create value, identify waste, and cultivate moods of equanimity in action. This leads me to suggest that you put attention on your own developmental agenda and your ambitions for life looking forward. To prime the pump, here are the questions we suggested for your group conversations yesterday:

1. In what worlds do I live and work?
2. What roles do I act in those worlds?
3. What “invisibilities” in those worlds are newly interesting to me?

These will be the worlds in which I may be interested in bringing new practices.
4. What are the central puzzles of my current worlds and practices?
5. What puzzles in those worlds are interesting to me?
6. What appears enlivening that is waiting to be revealed here?
7. What is speaking to me that is waiting to be expressed.

Week 2

  1. Watch “How to sing opera with Juan Diego Florez- Royal Opera Masterclass”

  2. Reflect on what and how a Masterclass provides for strengthening one’s capacity to build new practices.

  3. Who are your mentors in your life? If you don’t have any mentors or you don’t have any mentors at the moment, or if you don’t have the kind of mentors like Juan Diego Florez, where will you get them?