Join Chauncey Bell


'Everything that is important is invisible.'

The Visible & the Invisible in our Futures

Wednesdays commencing June 2nd, 2021
9-11 AM and/or 4-6 PM PST



“Some designers understand themselves in terms of the things they design, and others understand themselves as actors on the fulcrum of history.”

— From Mobilize: Dancing In The World by Chauncey Bell

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Mobilize! Dancing In The World

Vol 1. Questions, Contingencies, and Commitments

The world is quivering, and we in it.  

What kind of history shall we make? What grand mischief? 

In this moment of scintillating uncertainty, we are called more than ever to build new ways of being and working together. Such a moment calls for a companion — a pocket guide — as we embrace the challenges of adjusting and transforming our worlds. 

Dancing in the World is a pocket guide for you. This first of twelve volumes of my essays on listening and design is a treatise, a chronicle of adventure, and an invitation to join the bold work of designing new practices. The time is now. 

