E-Book - Wise Organizations?
E-Book - Wise Organizations?
Excerpt: "...We human beings are creatures of habit, and habits are deeply relevant to the question of wisdom.... Most of the time, people pay little attention to the way that acting in habitual and unexamined ways shapes our world. I have for many years been interested in ways of thinking and acting that allow me and my clients to look beneath the world’s neatly ordered stories about why and how people do the things they do.... As the reader will see, these matters are deeply relevant to the subject of designing and building systems that support wise action in organizations."
In this book, I want to help put a richer background in place to support the work of today’s technology designers. I hope that an examination of wisdom may inform those who have the ambition to, or are charged with designing and building software systems and networks, and lead to the development of systems that do a better job of supporting people in the wise exercise of their responsibilities in all kinds of organizations. The subject is too big for an Book, but perhaps with the following I can inspire, suggest some foundations, suggest directions for exploration, and at the same time point out some goofy interpretations that may be adjusted or altered.