wise organizations?


Human beings are always dancing between our intentions and contingencies. While we are busy inventing the future we imagine, life and the world intervene. What new skills and sensibilities do we need to prepare us to shape those futures?
— Chauncey Bell


Seattle, Washington November 13,14, and 15 2019; $2000

Event Location: 111 S Jackson St. Seattle WA 98104

Nov 13 - 9 am - 5 pm | November 14 - 9 am - 5 pm | November 15 - 9 am - 1 pm (Optional)

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With decades of experience working with service and manufacturing enterprises worldwide, Chauncey Bell has earned a reputation as a uniquely skilled diagnostician, designer and builder of new practices to improve efficiency, profitability and viability.  With few exceptions, his work has been a well-kept secret. He has been the senior designer on many projects that have changed the worlds of the companies and people involved. Here is what people say who have experienced Chauncey’s magic.

Chauncey Bell consistently delivers startling insights that put you off balance and then enable you to see yourself—and your opportunities—anew. I call few people masters, but he is one—a master at applying the power of language to invoke shifts of business practices, and the personal behaviors that underlie them, to help us recognize what we truly care about, and better take care of those cares.
— Gil Friend, consultant, speaker, author, founder of Natural Logic Inc., and former Chief Sustainability Officer for the City of Palo Alto
I have had the good fortune of many profound and transformational learning experiences with Chauncey. Without doubt he is a world leader in the design and operation of all varieties of enterprises. He brings a uniquely powerful way of building much needed organisational practices that can be readily adopted. These practices significantly enhance the functioning of organisations. I consider Chauncey, with his depth of knowledge and wealth of experience, to be globally unique.
— Alan Sieler, CEO Newfield Institute and author of Coaching to the Human Soul (3 volumes in print, 4th coming soon)
Having worked in a utility environment for 33 years Chauncey was the one that really made the difference in transforming the way we did things. Nurturing but challenging, he is a joy to work with and now, a few years on, the benefits are clear to see.
— David Gardner, former Director, SSE Transmission and SSE Onshore Renewables
I have been collaborating with and learning from Chauncey for almost 10 years.  So many “change management” programs treat people as nothing more than pawns.  Everything Chauncey believes ties back to the uniqueness of people.  His insight that creating something new goes beyond traditional management and leadership is unique and spot on.  I use his lessons almost every day in my practice and have engaged Chauncey to continue the education of my team.  If you join him on this journey, you will laugh, you may cry, and you will certainly learn.  He is a blessing.
— Connor Butler, Managing Principal-Relevate Lean Construction Consulting.

Announcing New Program: WISE ORGANIZATIONS? 


We promise that new possibilities will emerge for you and your team to develop valuable and reliable new practices. You will see how to energize your people and open new pathways to accomplishing what used to appear impossible. The value you will take away from joining us, and the results you will produce out of participation will far exceed your investment.

Benefits of Wise Organizations? Workshop


Make Powerful Diagnoses

This workshop will prepare you to develop fresh, distinctive, and compelling interpretations of the situations in which enterprises find themselves, how they came to be in those situations, and what is holding them there.


Capitalize on Vast Coordination Wastes

You will learn how to observe coordination waste (it does not show up in traditional accounting), where it comes from, how to reduce and overcome it, and how to unlock these hidden reservoirs of capital.


Produce New (and Larger) Opportunities

We will explore strategies and practices for developing conversations and orchestrating moods with colleagues, superiors, and clients in which new and larger opportunities can be revealed. The practices we will explore work in situations with unsettled and stormy waters as well as circumstances where people are ‘asleep.’


Succeed in Challenging Projects

You will gain sensibilities and skills for observing and navigating in in critical dimensions of challenging projects – capital flows, political structures, and how power is distributed.


Design More Effective Coordination

In the workshop and ongoing practice, you will greatly improve your capacity to observe coordination, human interactions, and the changes that are unfolding in the world. You will build improved capacity to design, bring, and coordinate the practices of working in the enterprise to help you cope and thrive as change unfolds.


Improve Skills for Designing Development Programs

You will be substantially better prepared to define appropriate developmental programs and transformational practices for yourself, your team, and your community.